Company Exploding to be the most successful company in the entire direct selling industry


Ron Reid and Luna Pang Reid join Vice President & General Manager of Southeast Asia, Dato Dr. Ronie Tan to unveil the beautiful new office in#KualaLumpur, #Malaysia.

“We don’t want to grow this company to $1 Billion or $2 Billion; we want to grow Isagenix to be the most successful company in the entire direct selling industry,” says Dato. “We’ve already received an overwhelming response to our opening with more than 250 Associates and guests recently visiting the new office. This is truly a historic milestone for Isagenix.”

As if the launch of this dynamic network marketing friendly country is not enough, check out what is in store for you in the Asian, Pacific Region:

THIS Novovember 
the Opening of MAINLAND CHINA









Who do you know who knows somebody who knows somebody in one of these markets??? Send me a private message. *** You do NOT want to miss out on this opportunity *** Be on the largest and most successful team.


The Day After, “Yes!”

I recently came across the following article about Network Marketing written by someone whom I respect and admire; Michael Clouse! So good in fact that I am going to share the article verbatim. Thank you Michael for all you do for everyone!!

The Day After, “Yes!”
by Michael S. Clouse

Michael_Clouse 2016It’s going to happen, because it happens to everyone who builds a Network Marketing business… So what, exactly, is going to happen? Someone you shared your business with is going to say, “Yes!”

Then what?

Well, you can always hope they succeed, or you can progressively teach them how to build a business. I like the progressively teach them odds better, so here’s what I’m suggesting—and doing—one “Yes!” at a time.

1) Schedule your Getting Started conversation for the day after, “Yes!” If the day after won’t work, then get together over the telephone, or in person, as soon as you possibly can.

2) We all like to spend time with—and do business with—people we know, like, and trust. Therefore, because this is a relationship business, invest some time getting to know them first. Talk about the business second.

3) Most people join for the money. If that’s the case, find out how much money they would like to earn over the next 90 days. If they’re like most people, an extra $500 to $1,500 per month—earned over the first 90 days—would be outstanding!

4) Set up a workable schedule. Make sure they’re planning on engaging in enough activity to actually accomplish their 90 day money goals. And make sure to let them know that if it takes a bit of time to find the business-building rhythm that feels right for them, that’s perfectly okay.

5) Get them plugged in. They’ll need their own personal website, prospecting CDs to pass out,  and perhaps some marketing materials. Help them place their initial product order and set up their own autoship order. Remember to let them know about your team’s conference calls, e-mails, and facebook page too! This is explained in The Fifth Principle.

6) Explain: Plan–Do–Review–Adjust–RepeatPlan the month in advance: activity, conference calls, and events. Do what you planned to get the results you want. Review your results at the end of the month. If necessary, Adjust what you’re doing—your activity—until you get the results you want. Repeat by planning the next month, complete with any needed adjustments, and continue moving forward.

7) Offer ongoing support. Because it’s easy to get off track, make sure you check in at least once a week. Ask what you can do to help—and offer help where you can. Encourage, support, and continue to be the example you want those on your team to follow; one “Yes!” at a time.

All the best,


P.S. When I get a bit discouraged, and from time to time we all do, recalling these words really helps: “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” —Japanese Proverb.

How can I get to Manager …. and Beyond


Erin Postle 4 Star Executive with Isagenix

written by Erin Postle

Someone just asked.. how can I get to manager.. here’s my answer.. thought you might find it helpful.

First off get your energy right…

How is your belief.. in

  1. product
  2. business
  3. your ability
  4. Isagenix
  5. compensation plan

Rate on a scale of 1-5. If its super low.. change it.. bring it up.. get help if you need to..

Also how confident are you at:

  1. connecting
  2. conversations
  3. enrolling conversations
  4. leading others

You have to master how to have these conversations.. less talk more listening.

its a numbers game ….. get in front of as many people as you canshow your people how to get paid ….. stay in touch with them..

Tell them its free shipping on qualifying pac’s …… dig deep and get laser focused

For More Information

Activity Matters Most by Michael S. Clouse

Michael Clouse’s words of wisdom! This is one of my TOP 5 favorite articles he has written. I’ve trained from it many times. Thank you Michael for all that you share and give to so many!

Exert from “Activity Matters Most” by Michael S. Clouse

Michael Clouse

Michael Clouse

Consider the following, and you decide…

Years ago I discovered that those who are deemed to be Masters in this “Networking thing” understand three simple truths about the business. Although you might hear these truths expressed somewhat differently from leader to leader, the underlying facts remain the same. For purposes of our discussion, we’ll refer to these truisms as, “Network Marketing’s Three Rules of Three.”

1. Know The Business You’re In

Network Marketing is about three things:
a) Finding People to talk to—Prospecting.
b) Talking to the people you find—Presentation.
c) Teaching others to do the same—Duplication.

2. Understand The Rules

Regardless of how you present your business:
a) Some people decide to join—Some Will.
b) Some people decide not to join—Some Won’t.
c) Some people decide not to decide—So What…

3. Get Better At The Game

Because everything in life is about who you become:
a) Work more on yourself than you do on your business.
b) Again, work more on yourself than you do on your business.
c) And again, work more on yourself than you do on your business.

I share this with you because for years leaders have been searching for a simple, highly duplicatable MLM system that new distributors could use to more quickly achieve success. And the most interesting part is, I now believe we’ve been overlooking the obvious for decades…

For the complete article continue reading …..

How to Create an Extraordinary Business That Leaves a Legacy

Traditionally, we have been focusing on specific social media topics on a week to week basis.  However, I wanted to take a slight detour this week and cover something that I feel is critical to every business out there, regardless of whether you utilize social media as part of your marketing strategy or not.

So the question is, have you taken the time to define the Dream, Vision, Purpose, and Mission for your business?  Even if you’re not currently a business owner, would you be able to describe in a few short phrases what you’re out to accomplish on this earth?

For the majority of business owners and people living their day-to-day lives, this is for the most part an afterthought.  I mean, with our daily lives being so busy and wanting to “just get through” the day, there’s often not that much time to reflect on what really is the driving force for what we are doing.

As one of Michael Gerber’s Dreaming Room Facilitators, I’m fortunate to be a part of a select few of individuals worldwide to lead this entrepreneurial incubator where a business owner is able to tap into their imagine and inspiration to create a truly extraordinary company. Image

So what are the definitions for the Dream, Vision, Purpose, and Mission? According to Michael Gerber as he defines it in the Dreaming Room, the definitions are as follows:

Dream – The greater good you want to create.

Vision – The business model to manifest the dream.

Purpose – Your commitment to the people.

Mission – Your system to create the business that accomplishes that dream.

To give you an example of how this plays out in my own business, here is the Dream, Vision, Purpose, and Mission for my own business and life.

My Dream: To inspire people worldwide to reach their full human potential.

My Vision: To create the McDonald’s of Small Business Consulting and Human Potential Training to inspire, educate, and empower the unemployed, underemployed, self employed, and small business owner worldwide.

My Purpose: That every person leaves a legacy before the end of their life.

My Mission: To invent the system through which every individual can transform their lives regardless of their current situation.

So have you taken the time to determine what is the driving force for your business?  Have you taken the time to determine how this will play a role in your daily life?

These 4 items are critical for anybody in life, whether you currently own a business or you don’t.  When you are crystal clear on what you are out to accomplish, then opportunities open up all around you in all aspects of your life.

This is the core foundation for any successful business and this is one of the underlying concepts that is covered in The Dreaming Room.  Have you had a chance to put together your Dream, Vision, Purpose, and Mission yet?

With Love,


When Goals are Forgotten: 4 Steps to Get Back on Track

ImageMost people start pursuing their goals – especially New Year’s resolutions – with great passion. But over time, they lose momentum, burn out and put their dreams aside.

If this happens to you, it’s a clear-cut sign that your goals are not sustainable. In this article, you’ll discover how to get back on track toward your goals – and accelerate your momentum.

1. Evaluate Your Motivation

If you’ve lost momentum toward your goals, the first thing to do is verify your commitment. A lot of our goals tend to be “should’s” rather than deep “want to’s.” But I’ve discovered that without a burning desire to achieve a goal, your motivation wanes quickly, and your subconscious mind turns its attention to more exciting desires.

2. Are You Realistic?

Once you’ve confirmed that your goals are things you truly want to achieve, the second thing to verify is that your goals are realistic.

3. Declare Your Intentions

When you’re clear about which goals you’ll work on, you can increase your commitment by publicly declaring your intentions. Share your goals with the people in your life – the more, the better. You’ll be more likely to take action toward achieving your goals when the alternative is losing face with people about whom you care.

4. Creating Accountability

Most of us find it easy to let ourselves off the hook. We can quickly justify why we haven’t followed through on our commitment to take action on any particular day, just as we can easily make excuses about why we miss our targets completely.

Get Back on Track – Starting TODAY! Image

It’s normal to veer off course when pursuing goals. Sometimes this happens because we’re not truly committed to our goals. Other times, it’s because we struggle to hold ourselves accountable for doing the necessary work. Use the tips in this article to get yourself back on track in making steady progress in turning your dreams into a reality.

How To Build A Bigger Team

by Michael Clouse

Yes, by now you’ve probably been told (more than a few times I would imagine) that Network Marketing is about three things: prospecting, presentation, and duplication. And yet, if you’re like most business-builders, far too many of those you’ve already introduced to the business seem to be doing, well, nothing at all…

Michael Clouse

Michael Clouse

The truth is, above-average success in Network Marketing requires, among other things:

1) belief in the profession,

2) belief in the business-building system itself, and

3) belief in the fact that you can do this…

Now if that’s true—and it is—why do we seem surprised when those who haven’t been progressively educated quit the business? On the contrary; if we’re not systematically instilling this information into our new business-builders, we should actually expect them to quit as soon as they encounter any resistance at all—and we are rarely disappointed!

Therefore, if you’re ready to build a bigger team—and actually keep more of the people you sponsor—try this three-step, belief-building system: First, provide every prospect with something to educate them about the Network Marketing industry. Second, after they have sponsored in, immediately offer every business-builder something to teach them the basics of the business. Third, after your new business-builder has been involved for 30 days or so, give them something to keep them moving in the direction of their dreams…

The Promise: This business can set you free financially in one to three years.

Sharing this forward … not sure who originally posted this, but this is a great reminder!

The Price: To succeed, you will have to face and conquer 4 major enemies.

This is a true story about Mark Yarnell, a minister in a small Texas town. He was heading for bankruptcy and just about to lose his home and car. He looked for a way out and discovered Network Marketing.  Mark’s sponsor gave him the “promise” and also told him about the “price” to succeed. The 4 major enemies in your business are:

Enemy #1 Rejection
Mark approached 200 people to view a video, 80 told him they are not interested.

Enemy #2 Deception
Mark thought, “no problem, my sponsor warned me about that. I’ve still got 120 people that will watch” Guess what?  50 didn’t.

Enemy #3 Apathy
Mark thought, “no problem, my sponsor warned me about that. I’ve got 70 people who have watched the video.” Guess what? 57 said “not interested”

Enemy #4 Attrition
Undaunted Mark thought, “no problem, 13 people signed up.” Guess what? 12 of them dropped out of the business shortly thereafter.

Attrition left Mark with just one serious associate. But, to date, that single associate earns Mark over $50,000 per month.

Mark Yarnell’s story is not unique. Ask the person who introduced you to Isagenix – they have experienced all of the above.

Pick your goal and get into massive action. If you talk to enough people, you will make it!

Here’s the lesson: Your success is directly related to the degree to which you are willing to work to find others like yourself who are committed to succeed. Mark Yarnell’s odds were 1 out of 50. Would you be willing to go through 200 people to find 1 who will make you $50,000 per month? Or hear uncounted “No’s” to sign up 50 people to find a million dollar person? I know you will. It’s easier when you know the odds up front.

But here’s the catch” You have your own set of odds and you won’t know what they are until after you’ve succeeded. So if you’ve gone through 50 or 100 people and you haven’t found 1 serious person yet, you can either give up and assume the business doesn’t work or recognize that you are working through your own numbers.

Are you willing to find out what your own set of odds is? That means that you must pay the price for freedom. Remember that the numbers never fail you. Despite where you are in your skill level, your success is assured if you talk to enough people. And as your skill improves, so will your odds.

There is no such thing as luck in this industry. Winning big is a matter of being willing to pay the price. Are you?


Your future is in your hands! The choices which you make today will determine the course of your entire future.

May you have a successful future in all aspects of your life!